Aqua Classes

Small classes 3 – 5 participants per class.

Participate in a fun filled aerobic aqua class.

Meet new people and make new friends while you increase your range of motion, endurance and physical fitness.

Please fill in the form for further information and available times!

Please be patient for a response from me, as I spend most of my time in the pool, but I will respond to your request as soon as I am back in my office.

Aqua Success Stories: Hear What Our Students Have to Say!

From overcoming initial hesitations to mastering advanced strokes, these heartfelt testimonials showcase the positive impact of our expertise and passion. Join us in celebrating these stories of triumph, growth, and aquatic accomplishment.

“Aqua is good for my body and my mind . I definitely find that if I have hip and knee pain an aqua class helps. I have also met such wonderful people . We have such fun together”


Date: 2023-08-08 23:11:36

“Aqua has kept me mobile doing exercises that I could never do on land. I find being in the water calming and soothing when joints are painful. Doing Aqua after knee and back surgery enabled me to regain mobility more quickly. Our Aqua class is very special as we've become friends and laugh alot and leave feeling refreshed and happy.”

Stella J.

Date: 2023-08-08 23:11:12

“Aqua gives me the opportunity to do aerobic exercises, without injuring myself. It is the best thing that happened to me after having a hip replacement. And I made great friends! ❤️ “

Esme Rimell

Date: 2023-08-08 23:08:21

“Aqua has really helped with 1. Cardio and strength training. 2. Getting me to feel more comfortable in the water. 3. Looking forward to excellent company therefore helping develop social skills 4. Enjoying some laughs with Kerry. 5. Praying together in the pool and connecting spiritually. 6. Having fun sometimes play like exercising. 7. Growing in confidence, learning something different from each session.”


Date: 2023-08-08 23:07:28

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